embracing kuleana - maui's colonial past

Embracing Our Kuleana

Editorial Series by Sara Yamtich: Food sovereignty issues by looking at colonial past 🌱✊

Today, we pose the question: How do we address food scarcity, not just today, but into the future? To face this challenge, we must look to the past.

In the spirit of aloha ‘āina—love of the land—we are guided by a deep commitment to heal and nurture both our land and our community. It’s not an easy topic to discuss, and we recognize the importance of being transparent about our histories and the ongoing impacts of colonization.

As descendants of settlers and colonizers in the Hawaiian Kingdom and beyond, we acknowledge our unique kuleana (responsibility) to actively engage in the restoration and support of the communities and environments we inhabit.

This responsibility compels us to grapple with our past, understand the impacts of colonization, and move forward with intentional actions that contribute to a sustainable and equitable future for all. By volunteering with our organization, you are not just giving time—you’re participating in a mutual exchange that honors and uplifts the dignity of every community member.

Together, let’s continue to co-create a culture of support and resilience. Join us in our journey of service and stewardship, helping to create a thriving Maui that respects and reflects the true spirit of the island.

🌺 Join us, learn, and grow as we tackle the challenges of today with hope and action. Be a part of our movement towards a future where every member of our community feels seen, supported, and valued.

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